Mental Health Intervention for Non-Sworn Personnel

Event Info
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 8:00am to 4:00pm

While police training on the subjects of mental health and de-escalation have skyrocketed in recent years, a critical element has been forgotten.  Non-sworn public safety staff and emergency dispatchers have fallen behind in the most important skills they may need.  Frequently, they are on the front line of these emergencies as the first point of contact.

This 1-day course is specifically designed for telecommunicators, 911 call takers, and other non-sworn staff required to interact with the public.  Instruction will cover the basics of identifying someone in a mental health crisis, de-escalation techniques, and crisis negotiation principles.  These techniques are mandatory for those interacting with the public and are applicable in person or over the phone.  Also covered are legal requirements and mandates imposed on emergency call centers, focusing on Standard of Care and the most current legal findings.  Of equal or greater concern is the lack of support and information on debriefing traumatic incidents and self-care.  Developing current policies and recognizing the need for training is paramount in helping non-sworn staff be healthy and successful.  At the end of this course, participants will have a better understanding of crisis management, de-escalation strategies, and best practices for non-sworn interaction with the public.

Documents to display to attendees: 
Contact Info
Kevin Koontz - 217-819-4028 /
MTU 12 - IL Law Enforcement Training & Standards Board
Setup Info
Room Setup Style: 
Food serving table is needed: 
Registration table is needed: 