Weapons of Mass Destruction Special Response Team (SRT): A highly trained, equipped and skilled tactical team that serves as a resource for ILEAS member agencies in handling weapons of mass destruction incidents. In addition to standard SWAT equipment each team also has hazardous materials protective gear and detection equipment, an armored vehicle and self-contained breathing apparatus.
Mission: To respond to a weapons of mass destruction incident anywhere in the state or other area approved by the Director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and to provide all avenues of support to the local incident commander, the State Weapons of Mass Destruction (SWMD) Team and the appropriate federal agencies responsible for the mitigation and investigation of such incidents.
- Stabilize the scene.
- Establish inner perimeter.
- Neutralize human threat.
- Detect conventional bombs, hazardous materials, chemical or biological agents.
- Aid victims.
- Decontaminate victims, emergency responders and items moving from the hot to cold zones.
- Preserve the crime scene.
- Establish communications with the local incident commander and state EOC.
- Prepare for the arrival of the SWMD Team and Illinois National Guard Civil Support Team.
- Provide liaison and operate with the local incident commander, SWMD Team and National Guard.
Regional Response Teams: Regional boards may formally adopt the SRT as a regional tactical team for use during non-WMD emergency incidents where life is in danger or an immediate significant threat to public safety exists.