As a public agency, ILEAS endeavors to comply with all appropriate statutes and regulations. The best way to ensure that compliance is transparency. By utilizing the Illinois Policy Institute’s Transparency Project checklist as a guide, ILEAS is currently developing this web page to provide information to the public.
- Contact information
- Public Meetings
- Public Information
- Audits
- Budgets
- Expenditures
- Compensation
- Contracts
- Lobbying
- Taxes and Fees
Contact Information
ILEAS is governed by a Board of chiefs and sheriffs elected by membership peers as well as appointed officials. Please click the link above to read more about the ILEAS Governing Board including each member’s title, agency, e-mail address and phone number.
Senior Elected Official
The senior elected official is the President of the ILEAS Governing Board. The ILEAS President is not elected by the membership at large, but by the Board itself and serves a two year term. The senior elected official is Chief of Police Michael Metzler, Mahomet Police Department Mahomet, Illinois. Click here for his email and phone number.
ILEAS is a small agency and led by an Executive Director, Chief of Staff and division managers:
Larry Evans | Executive Director |
Bryant Seraphin | Chief of Staff |
Skip Frost | Special Teams Manager |
Janet Plotner | Finance Manager |
Mick McAvoy | General Counsel |
Mark Griffeth | Facility Manager |
Tom Gallahue | North Illinois Planning Support Manager |
Calvin Stearns | South Illinois Planning Support Manager |
Senior Administrator
Larry Evans is the Senior Administrator for ILEAS. Mr. Evans can be emailed at and contacted by phone at 217-328-3800.
Public Meetings
ILEAS complies with the Open Meetings Act. Its Governing Board meetings are open to the public.
The ILEAS Governing Board meets once a year at the ILEAS Annual Conference. The Governing Board also generally meets bi-monthly on a schedule established by the Governing Board President. For a current list of meeting dates, locations and times please click here.
ILEAS Governing Board meetings are usually held on the 4th Thursday of the month it is scheduled. ILEAS posts the meeting agenda no later than the Monday prior to the meeting. For a list of upcoming and past agendas, issues, documents and meeting minutes, please click here. Minutes and agendas back to 2006 (for those available) can also be found at that link.
Public Information
Freedom of Information Act
ILEAS complies with the Freedom of Information Act in Illinois. The FOIA Officer is the ILEAS General Counsel, Mick McAvoy. The address to submit FOIA requests is:
1701 E. Main Street
Urbana, Illinois 61802
ILEAS has no official fee structure other than what is allowable by statute:
- First 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal sized copies – no charge
- Additional black and white, letter or legal sized copies – 15 cents per page
- Color, other sizes – actual cost of copying
The response time is five business days.
PDFs of ILEAS' most recent financial single agency audits are available for download from the main audits page.
For specific questions about the budget, please contact the Finance Director, Janet Plotner at 217-328-3800 or at Please note that since ILEAS is a grant-funded organization, its budget is built around specific grants by year. ILEAS is a public agency but does not have the legal ability to tax in order to create an annual budget. Its budgeting process is generally more ad hoc than most public agencies as grants come and go on a routine basis and often NOT tied to ILEAS' fiscal year. Many of the grants extend past a single fiscal year and have a variety of start and stop dates. Additionally, ILEAS does not receive grants on a regular fiscal year schedule and often receives funds in the middle of a year - making the creation of an annual budget challenging. ILEAS also separates the budget into two parts - grant funds and non-grant funds (often referred to as the business account). Given that, here are the most current full year budgets for ILEAS:
- Budget/Expenditures from the Grant Account for FY2024 (PDF)
- Budget/Expenditures from the Business Account FY2024 (PDF)
- Business Account Budget for FY2025 (PDF)
- Grant Budget Report 1.13.25 (PDF)
For specific questions about expenditures, please contact the Finance Director, Janet Plotner at 217-328-3800 or at
Click here for a PDF of the current ILEAS Salary Schedule complete with each staff member and their salary. Please note that some employees are “as needed” and not regular staff. Prior to January 1, 2012, ILEAS had no employees and relied on contractors to complete the work.
Please note, being that ILEAS is a grant funded agency and has no source of funding for retirement nor health insurance, ILEAS does not provide its employees the standard benefits package. Employees are hired with the understanding that they are grant funded, have no benefits and may be laid off if the funding grant is not renewed or replaced.
ILEAS does utilize contractors and vendors. This is a list of contractors/vendors ILEAS currently engages:
- Champaign County - Lease for ILEAS Training Center
- i3 Broadband - Internet service
- Illinois Century Network - Internet Service
- Indilus - Database Software Programming
- Media Service - A/V Support
- Millner and Associates - Lobbying
- Motorola - StarCom21 Licensing
- Northwest Central Dispatch - Primary Dispatching Services
- City of Peoria - Secondary Dispatching Services
- Peake, LLC (Satellite Service)
For more information, please contact Mick McAvoy at or at 217-328-3800 for questions.
ILEAS does employ a lobbyist. ILEAS does not pay fees to any other organization which lobbies. ILEAS is registered as a lobbying organization with the Illinois Secretary of State. ILEAS did not start any formal lobbying efforts prior to 2013. NO Federal or State funds are used to lobby.
Taxes and Fees
ILEAS does not have the authority to levy taxes. ILEAS collects annual membership assessments from its members at the rate shown here:
$60: | 1-10 Officers (or no full-time officers, part-time only.) |
$120: | 11-40 Officers |
$240: | 41-80 Officers |
$360: | 81-119 Officers |
$480: | 120+ Officers |
Member agencies have the option to request an annual assessment waiver from the Governing Board. ILEAS is primarily funded through State and Federal grants. These grants are provided to ILEAS from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and other State agencies.. For more on those funding sources, see the BUDGET section above.