Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General Desk Review Audit
ILEAS has received a notice from the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that a Desk Review of ILEAS' FY18 audit found no quality financial issues whatsoever. While this may not sound that important, it actually is great news for ILEAS. Every Federal grantee receiving $750,000 or more in a fiscal year must submit to what is called an annual Single Audit. An independent auditor conducts annual Single Audits of ILEAS and the Foundation. They inspect and extensively review policies, documents, cash flow, grants, and fiscal management procedures to ensure that ILEAS is following accepted accounting procedures and is managing grant funds appropriately. The audit is submitted to the Feds. ILEAS has always receives good audit results. Our fiscal staff are some of the best around when it comes to grant tracking and management. However, there is another level of audit and that is called the Desk Review. Every year the Homeland Security Office of Inspector General selects a limited number of Single Audits and inspecting them to ensure that both the auditor and the audited agency are meeting standards. ILEAS was notified that the audit report, "contains no quality issues or only minor issues that do not require corrective action." According to staff at IEMA, they are unaware of any other State of Illinois grantee being selected, let alone receiving a great review. The Inspector General will inform other Federal agencies about the results of their Desk Review of ILEAS. This is important because ILEAS does have grants from other Federal agencies, for example the NARCAN grants from Health and Human Services and FirstNet grants from Commerce. While financial audits are not the most exciting thing that ILEAS does, it is one of the most important. State and Federal agencies are more likely to provide grants to agencies that are good stewards of the money. ILEAS provides multiple millions of dollars to local law enforcement every year largely in part because we manage the money well. Congratulations to the ILEAS financial and program staff who manage the money! To see the letter, go to
Senate Resolution
On March 4th, the Illinois Senate unanimously adopted a resolution honoring ILEAS. The resolution was originally sponsored by Senator John Millner with Senator Pamela Althoff, Senator Dan Rutherford and Senator Antonio Munoz as co-sponsors.
"The ILEAS model of inter-governmental cooperation has successfully demonstrated that cooperation can lead to great accomplishments and better serve the interests of the citizens of Illinois,” Senator Munoz said. “The ILEAS membership has successfully created a system of mutual aid to provide assistance when called upon by all law enforcement agencies in Illinois.”
ILEAS appreciates the honor, recognition and support of the Illinois General Assembly.
Click here for the text of the Resolution SR605.
For more information, click here for an online news article regarding the resolution.
Auditor General Recognition
In 2008, ILEAS was audited by the Department of Homeland Security Auditor General. As a result of that audit, ILEAS was identified as a “best practices” organization for its oversight system of training, finances and inventory.
ILACP Carl Hawkinson Award
On January 9, 2006, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police issued James Page and Michael Chamness the Carl E. Hawkinson Anti-Terrorism Award. Page's award reads as follows:
"Executive Director James Page has diligently represented the Illinois Law Enforcement Community on matters pertaining to anti-terrorism, mutual aid, distribution of personal protective equipment, and the distribution of interoperable communications equipment. Further, he has assisted in the distribution of millions of dollars in grants to better prepare Illinois Law Enforcement Agencies to face the new challenge in these most trying times. His efforts allowed Illinois Law Enforcement personnel to respond to the Hurricane Katrina disaster in a timely, efficient and organized manner, bringing high praise from those assisted, the Governor of Illinois, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. As a retired Assistant Chief of Police from the Urbana Police Department, he continues to use his professional experiences and knowledge to enhance the readiness of the State of Illinois to respond to the terrorist and natural disasters for which we must constantly be prepared to face. Executive Director Page's knowledge and professionalism are attributes worthy of emulation by all."
State of Illinois Certificate of Appreciation
On October 26, 2005, the Governor issued ILEAS a Certificate of Appreciation for our work with the Katrina deployment. The Certificate reads:
"In appreciation for outstanding contributions to the disaster relief effort in response to hurricane Katrina, the State of Illinois recognizes the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System for the valuable services provided to the State of Louisiana by organizing and supporting the deployment of 300 dedicated officers from 112 state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies in Illinois"
Path Award
On May 14, 2005, ILEAS was awarded the Governor's PATH ("People Are Today's Heroes") Award for our response to the Utica Tornado in April of 2004. The Award reads:
"The Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System - ILEAS - is hereby awarded the 2005 Governor's PATH Award ('People Are Today's Heroes') in recognition of their exceptional efforts to improve their community and the lives of the People of Illinois."
Innovation and Best Practices Award
October 24, 2004, Illinois won the National Homeland Security Award for Innovation and Best Practices from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and the Mitretek Corporation. See the Governor's press release for further information.