ICJIA Less Lethal Alternatives Grant



In May 2023, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), pursuant to language in the Illinois State Legislature’s SAFE-T Act, posted a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Less Lethal Alternatives for Law Enforcement Grant. As the name implies, this State-funded grant is designed to offer law enforcement officers alternatives to the use of force by providing less lethal tools and training. 

In June 2023, ILEAS applied for this funding opportunity electing to initially focus on Conducted Energy Weapons in the form of the Taser 7 and 10, and support training on topics such as de-escalation, cultural competency, trauma-informed response, and more. ICJIA accepted the proposal in August 2023 and a signed agreement was accepted in December 2023.  

The initial grant award included a performance deadline of 30 June, 2024.  In consultation with CEW provider AXON, their ability to fulfill all device orders would likely run past this date.  As a result, ILEAS and the ICJIA are working together to see that the funds allocated for this project are re-appropriated and extended for another year to allow for successful expenditure of all funds.


Meanwhile, ILEAS WILL LAUNCH THE GRANT APPLICATION 20 May, 2024, in anticipation of the re-appropriation.  Interested and eligible* agencies should login to their agency’s home page on the ILEAS website at www.ileas.org where a link to the application is located.  Applications must be submitted before the application window closes on Friday, June 7th, at 5:00 p.m.  An agency does NOT need to be a member of ILEAS or any other partner organization to apply.

Applications will be scored by a panel of law enforcement professionals and subject matter experts recognized by ILEAS, the ISA (Illinois Sheriffs Association) and the ILACP (Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police).  Agency award decisions may take several weeks depending on the number of applicants.


This grant opportunity is totally dependent on state funding re-apportionment.  In the event that the funds are reduced or not reallocated, then ILEAS will be unable to cover any grant related costs discussed. Agreements with Axon outside the specifics of this grant as listed in the application, are not reimbursable. 

 Eligible local law enforcement agencies are agencies for cities, towns, villages or other incorporated areas; sheriff departments of unincorporated areas; and law enforcement for any unit of local government, as defined by the Article VII of the Illinois Constitution, or Municipal Corporation in this state. Law enforcement agencies for colleges, universities, and the State of Illinois are ineligible for funding. 


Any questions may be directed to the LLA Grant Team. 

Special Programs Manager                Device Coordinator                Training Coordinator

John Konopek                                     Tony Shaw                              Scott Allen

jjkonopek@ileas.org                           sashaw@ileas.org                   smallen@ileas.org

815-405-6444                                      217-530-2132                          815-530-5169