On August 20 & 21, 2017, ILEAS conducted an exercise at John A Logan College in Carterville Ill. that coincided with the recent solar eclipse. 56 officers from across the state to include Regions 2, 3 North, 3 Central, 6, 7, 8 and 9/11 participated in a response to simulated complex coordinated multi-venue bioterrorism acts in Jackson and Williamson Counties. Seven blended squads were developed from the teams allowing officers to work with members from other than their own region. The exercise included practical work in the following areas:
Communications tests between the Unified Command Post (UCP) and the squads
Test individual operators knowledge of their radios
Deployment and use of portable repeaters.
Command and Control
Utilizing Illinois Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce (ILTERT) telecommunicators
Use of the Mobile Field Force (MFF) equipment to include: generators and LRAD
MFF troop movements to include: Dispersal Orders, Line Formations, Line Movements, Encirclement, Passive Resister arrests, and 8 man arrest tactics.
The ability to deploy and be self-sufficient for a 48 hour period
The teams conducted convoy escort and site security for 2 simulated delivery of pharmaceuticals from the Strategic National Stockpile and addressed attempted simulated takeovers of the facility.
During this time, support staff and ILEAS Region 8 MFF command monitored the activities all law enforcement agencies as we stood poised to provide a rapid patrol strike force response to any mutual aid requested by any state, county or local law enforcement department. Thankfully that did not occur.
All in all, we deemed the exercise a huge success in demonstrating the Mobile Field Force’s ability to deploy and address complex terrorism related incidents while having had the additional benefit of enjoying nature at its finest from one of the premier viewing areas along the eclipse path. Many thanks to JALC President Dr. Ron House and the administration of John A Logan College and especially to PD Chief Don Priddy who made us feel most welcome on campus. ILEAS would also like to recognize and thank MABAS for providing manpower and the use of tent shelters, Crawford County EMA ITECS 9, Madison County EMA UCP 7 and IL-TERT for supplying 4 Telecommunicators. Their participation and dedication made this entire exercise possible.