The Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (ILEAS), in cooperation with the State of Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), manages communications projects for local law enforcement and other local emergency responders. This project is to secure a Satellite Service Provider for our locally-hosted state deployable Strategic Technology Reserve Communications Assets. These assets include self-propelled and towed communications assets or command posts. This procurement will all be coordinated through ILEAS as the single point of contact.
Submitted Question posted 4/17/2017
Section 6 Service Requirements:
…Vendor must be able to continue service phone numbers and IP addresses (ARIN IPv4) already assigned to equipment on units (ITECS, UCPs, and IMERT) as to avoid service interruption, routing table changes, or record keeping confusion on published directories…
Would a transition plan focused on minimizing changes to phone numbers and IP addresses be acceptable?
A transition plan for the External IP Addresses should be acceptable as long as a comparable number of WAN addresses are provided. We want to assure that the Local IP address structure remains in place. As far as the Phone Number assignment goes, local phone numbers for each trailer were obtained, which theoretically should be portable between carriers. However, changing 10 phone numbers would be acceptable.