ILEAS recently hired Jim Pepper as a Communications Liaison. He will join our communications team to support the varied technology and communications assets and resources in Illinois.
The Illinois Terrorism Task Force (ITTF) and the IL. Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) rely on ILEAS to manage communications grants, interoperable communications planning and operational support of disasters and crises in Illinois. This involves overseeing 13 unified command posts (UCP), nine IL Transportable Emergency Communications Suites (ITECS), thousands of radios, satellite communications and a host of other technological support for local agencies when necessary.
Pepper will join the ILEAS communications team consisting of Russ Gentry, Bill Springer, Andy Stubblefield and Lori Bell. These folks provide planning and operational support for a variety of local and state agencies and oversee millions of dollars of communications assets in Illinois. Pepper has 36 years in public safety communications experience. He held a variety of communications positions with the Illinois State Police from 1988 through 2017. He is well versed in the RACES/AUXCOMM field. He also has experience working for a radio service shop and as a communications consultant for local agencies. Pepper brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to ILEAS.
His primary responsibilities will include the administration of the capital equipment in the field (ITECS, UCPs and the Strategic Technology Reserve teams) as well as supporting exercises and training. We would like to welcomes Jim Pepper to the ILEAS family!