As an ILEAS member, you have witnessed and understand the benefits of synchronized operations and communications in times of emergency. Whether the response is the result of a natural disaster or a man-made disturbance, responding public safety agencies are better prepared to answer appropriately when pertinent information is readily available, and the basic requirements to develop a coordinated plan are in place. To that end, many public safety agencies in Illinois have invested in populating the Communications Assets Survey and Mapping (CASM) database to share relevant communications and point-of-contact information within the public safety community. The information is then available when needed by Communications Coordinators, planners, and agency command personnel to better prepare for response scenarios, and the future of public safety communications within the state.
Over recent months, a review of CASM records has been undertaken. In the review process, some records may have been edited to meet CASM standards, clarify a point of contact information, or otherwise address a relatively minor issue. However, it is evident that a statewide, source-based review of all CASM data is needed to ensure validity. Clearly, the best authority for a validation is the source agency.
A formal CASM validation process will be initiated later this month, and is expected to take several months to complete on a statewide basis. But, the time and effort required of each of the individual agencies will be minimized to the extent possible. Each agency will receive notice of the current status of their records by either email or USPS directed to the address of the agency’s listed point-of-contact. All ILEAS members are encouraged to promote ‘Strength through Cooperation’ by participating in the CASM validation effort. Agencies will be receiving notice of a validation of the CASM database sometime in the next few months - please consider reviewing and updating your entries as necessary. Questions about the CASM can be directed to Dan Meseke at or to Lori Bell at 217-531-0499.