Lens Inserts

Vision Correction

ILEAS has from time to time been able to provide vision correction devices for both models of respirators that we have distributed to local agencies.   

The AVON C50 respirators take the “AVON Vision Correction Assembly” – part number (P/N) 70501/155. ILEAS is currently OUT of these. They can be purchased through companies such as AVON’s Illinois vendor, Pro-Tech Sales, which currently has the state bid.

The AVON FM12 respirators require a pair of “monocles,” essentially plastic circular inserts, each of which holds an Rx lens. ILEAS currently DOES have a limited supply of these. If interested, contact Inventory Manager Kent Jepsen (217-328-3800) at the ILEAS Office. 

Any reputable optician can probably fit lenses for these devices.  That said, LensCrafters recently advised ILEAS that the company will continue its program to provide Illinois law enforcement a discounted retail rate.  The officer or department must pay for the lenses at the point of sale. Here is how their program works:

  • Go to a local LensCrafters with the vision correction inserts, a valid prescription, and this form from Lenscrafters. The ILEAS promotional code for local Illinois police departments is #7010234. It would be helpful for the local LensCrafters technicians to have the mask available, as well.
  • Order the appropriate lenses. LensCrafters developed this program for the FM12 monocles, but we’ve been told that this applies for both models of vision correction.
  • LensCrafters makes the lenses (may need to ship to its factory).
  • The officer or department pays for the lenses at the store. The cost is said to be significantly reduced compared to normal retail rates.


For the FM12, in case you don't use LensCrafters, this is additional information that you may want to provide to your vendor. This is not a vendor endorsement. ILEAS has no contract with LensCrafters and is not requiring that departments use LensCrafters. We are sharing the information about a vendor in Illinois that stated its willingness to help local departments.